Transfer shares

This guide explains how to transfer shares using Kudocs.  You can use this process to handle all elements of a share transfer including the contractual transaction between a single transferor to multiple transferees, deed of adherence for new shareholders, Stock Transfer Forms, Stamp Duty calculation and payment details, board approval and share certificates.

The action is available via:

  • Quick action list in Shares & Shareholders
  • All actions.

You can use either the Perform or Record route.

Keep control of your corporate information: registers, documents, stakeholders, Companies House filings - accurate & available in seconds.

Perform route

Select this route and Kudocs will help you complete all the necessary steps for this action.
Step 1

Set up the transfer process - from/ to whom and how much of the transaction do you want Kudocs to handle

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The first part of the process will guide you through:
- who is transferring the shares (only 1 transferor per process) & do you want to ask them to provide their payment details to the transferees
- who is receiving the shares (multiple transferees permitted)
- share class, number and price
- do new shareholders need to sign a deed of adherence? If so, do you want to use the Kudocs deed, or your own?
- to whom should completed Stock Transfer Forms be sent?
- do you want Kudocs to generate share certificates at the end of the process?

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Step 2

Kudocs automatically runs the contractual part of the transfer

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- confirms their agreement to transfer/ sell the shares
- provides payment details if selected

- agree to receive/ buy the shares
- confirm details (if new shareholders)
- confirm payment to the transferor
- confirms payment of Stamp Duty, if applicable (Kudocs provides details of any Stamp Duty payments to each transferee and how to pay it)
- executes Deed of Adherence if applicable

Company does nothing (except countersign a deed of adherence, if required).
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Step 3

Stock Transfer Form hassle automated and handled for you

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- Easy, clear instructions for transferor to sign pre-completed STF
- company receives completed STF from transferor and submits to HMRC if applicable
- company confirms once stamped STFs are received from HMRC
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Step 4

Board approves transfer

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Once all parties have confirmed, and the company has confirmed receipt of STFs from HMRC, Kudocs will run the board resolution to authorise the share transfer. Once approved, the registers will be updated, Companies House updated, share certificates generated, etc. All the admin done automatically for you to complete the process.
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Record route

Select this route if the legal steps (agreement between parties, deed of adherence, Stamp Duty paid and STFs submitted and returned from HMRC, board approval... ) have been completed, but the admin still needs to be completed (update Kudocs, generate share certificates, notify Companies House, etc).
Step 1

Enter details of the parties and the transfer(s)

More detail
- who is transferring the shares (only 1 transferor per process)
- who is receiving the shares (multiple transferees permitted)
- share class, number and price

At this stage you can use Kudocs to generate STFs for you to be downloaded and used. I.e. you can set up a draft share transfer in Kudocs to help with some of the paperwork and then come back to complete the process when it is all legally complete.
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Step 2

Add information about the legal steps already completed (for your records)

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You can add notes and documents evidencing the legal steps that have already been completed. E.g. the agreements between the parties, deeds of adherence and board approval. This ensures you have a complete record and audit trail of what has happened.
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Step 3

Select what admin you want Kudocs to complete for you

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- Generate new share certificates - if so, electronic or wet signatures
- File confirmation statement at Companies House (this is not required and not normally submitted after a transfer, but you can if you want to)
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Step 4

Press Record - all done

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Kudocs will complete all the necessary admin steps to complete the share transfer - obtain signatures on & generate the share certificates, update the registers, update Companies House updated, etc. All the admin done automatically for you.
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Outputs - all handled automatically by Kudocs

  • Email sent to initiator informing them of process outcome.
  • Share registers updated in Kudocs.
  • Stakeholder page for each shareholder is updated.
  • Existing share certificates in the class concerned are cancelled.
  • New share certificates generated and distributed to shareholders (if selected).
  • Process information stored in Kudocs for future reference & any documents filed in document store.
  • Confirmation statement generated & filed at CoHse if selected.

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