PSC/RLE – edit reasons
This guide explains how to edit the details of a Person with Significant Control (PSC) or a Relevant Legal Entity (RLE) using Kudocs. This is for making various administrative changes to the reasons. To make a substantive change (e.g. add/ remove PSC/RLE) you will need to complete the necessary, separate, process in Kudocs.
The action is available via:
- Quick action list in the relevant PSC/RLE page.
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Make the change from the Officers, PSCs & RLEs page.
Step 1
Open the relevant PSC/RLE page from the Officers, PSCs & RLEs page.
Step 2
Select {edit details} from the quick action list.
Step 3
In the PSC/RLE details section, select {edit}, {remove reason} or {add additional reason}.
Step 5
Once confirmed, changes will be updated on Kudocs (stakeholder page and registers) and submitted to CoHse by electronic filing.
Outputs - all handled automatically by Kudocs
- PSC/RLE page updated.
- Shareholders register updated.
- Email sent to initiator notifying of the need to update the PSC/RLE register.
- Changes will be submitted to CoHse (as if filing PSC04).
- Activity information stored in Kudocs for future reference & any documents filed in document store.