Create & manage groups in Kudocs

This guide explains how to create and manage groups of entities, including group structures.  This feature is only available for Portfolio customers.

Use this tool to add details about entities that form part of a group. You can add details of:

  • entities
  • their relationship to other entities
  • the % shareholding one entity has in another.

Once you have connected entities, Kudocs will build a group structure for you.

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Groups of entities on Kudocs

Use this tool to add details about entities that form part of a group. You can add details of: - entities (including entities that are not in your portfolio on Kudocs) - their relationship to other entities - the % shareholding one entity has in another. Once you have connected entities, Kudocs will build a group structure for you. You can add as many entities and relationships as you want. You can edit and delete relationships. Relationships do not update automatically if the shareholdings change, but you can refresh the connection in the group if shareholding % change.
Step 1

Add entity to the group.

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Use the {Add entity} button to add either an entity with a Kudocs account (pick entity from your portfolio list) or an an entity that exists outside of Kudocs (manually add entity name).
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Step 2

Connect 2 entities together.

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Once you have added at least 2 entities, connect them using the {Add relationship} button. Designate 1 entity as parent and the other as subsidiary. Once the connection is made, you will see it in the Group Structure chart. You can add multiple connections to any entity (e.g. a parent can have multiple subsidiaries).
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Step 3

Add shareholding to a relationship.

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Once you have connected 2 entities, add details of the shareholding % in the relationship. Click on the pen icon to edit the relationship and match the parent to the corresponding shareholder in the subsidiary. Each relationship can relate to a separate shareholder (e.g. a subsidiary can have multiple parents, each with a different shareholding match).

The shareholding match is only possible when the subsidiary has a Kudocs account because Kudocs will have details of the subsidiary`s shareholders.
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Group created!

  • Relationships created in Kudocs
  • Shareholdings added automatically
  • Group structure chart created automatically (exportable)
  • View & manage entities at a group level

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